Diagnostics of the Electric Arc Plasma by Mono-wavelength Laser Interferometry with Optical Flat 电弧等离子体的单波长激光平晶干涉诊断
A new laser interferometer method is presented and used to quick measurement of parallelism of optical flat. 文章提出了一种新的检测方法即用数字波面干涉仪检测平晶的平行度。
The principle of judgement method by compression analysis of optical flat surface shape and discussion on application 平晶表面形状加压分析判断法的原理与应用探讨
Here the interference pattern is established between an optical flat and the polished specimen surface of the glass. 在光学平板玻璃和磨光试样表面之间建立起干涉图样。
This interferometer will be used as an optical flat standard instrument. 该仪器将用于建立高精度、大孔径平面波像差标准。
Thermal Refractive Index Coefficients of Colorless Optical Glass and Equal Thickness Interference Fringe of Optical Flat 无色光学玻璃折射率温度系数与平晶等厚干涉条纹
It is optimized for optical glass, flat glass lenses, watches, glasses, eye glasses, handicrafts and so on polishing glass. 它适合用于光学玻璃、平板玻璃镜片、钟表玻璃、眼睛镜片、工艺品玻璃等等抛光。
Particularly for films and sheets, we are promoting Functional Films and Sheets with optical and insulating properties for the fields of Flat Panel Displays and Solar Panels. 特别是薄膜和片材产品里,我们致力于销售的同时,也在不断努力开发平板显示器和太阳能电池里使用的性能优良的光学及绝缘产品。
The application of sub-aperture stitching in long optical flat was researched. 研究子孔径拼接在长平晶测试中的应用。
The Kinematics Mechanism of Continuous Floating Polish Method for Making High Precision Optical Flat 高精度光学平面浮动式连续抛光法运动学机理
Measurement of the Refractive Index of Optical Flat Plate with a Small Angle 小角度楔形光学平板折射率的测定
At present, long optical flat is still mainly adopted as calibrating benchmark in straightness measurement, whose accuracy is not so high ( especially in measuring great-size parts). 我国目前主要仍采用长平晶组分段互检方法作为直线度检定基准,测量精度不高(特别是在测量大尺寸零件时尤为明显)。
New application of stitching interferometry by using Ritchey-Common method for testing the large aperture optical flat 检测大口径光学平面镜时干涉条纹的子孔径拼接方法
In this paper, a automatic instrument for detecting the differential scattering distribution of super smooth surface of optical base flat and optical plated flat is introduced. 介绍一种对超光滑光学基片及光学膜片表面进行微分散射分布自动检测的微分散射仪。
Measuring the plane degree of the optical flat by the same-distance calculating way 试用等距计算法测量平晶平面度
Based on stitching interferometry, a new application of stitching of interference fringes was discussed by using Ritchey_Common method for testing a large aperture optical flat by means of a small interferometer. 提出了用RitcheyCommon法检测大口径光学平面镜时干涉条纹的子孔径拼接方法。
Optical surfacing of flat reaction-burned silicon carbide mirror 反应烧结碳化硅平面反射镜的光学加工
The key problem of the optical design of F-Theta lens is to achieve the flat field image with high performance as its working area becomes large. 随着工作面积的增大,设计F-Theta镜头的关键是要在大的像平面内获得高质量的平场像点。
Study on Design and Optical Efficiency of Flat Type Fresnel Lens for Space Application 空间用平板形菲涅耳透镜的设计和光学效率研究
A Design of the Control System for the Nanometer Optical Flat 纳米级光学平台控制系统设计
Testing of transmitted wavefront distortion for optical parallel flat; 光学平行平面的透过波面畸变检测;
The coming of information times, the organic luminescence materials play more and more important roles in the fields of optical communication and flat panel display. 随着信息时代的来临,有机发光材料在光通讯、光信息处理以及平面显示等领域发挥着越来越重要的作用。
Optical Design of a Flat Field Unobstructed Two-mirror System with Wide Field of View 平像场无遮掩大视场两镜系统光学设计
High Accuracy and Large Aperture Optical Standard ── Phase Shifting Digital Flat Interferometer 高精度、大口径平面波像差标准&移相式数字平面干涉仪
The excellent performance of the fiber optical parametric amplifier in which not only provides a flat gain, but also has a very wide gain bandwidth. 光纤参量放大器的优良性能体现在它不仅能够提供平坦的增益,而且有着很宽的增益带宽。
Advanced optical components such as high-precision flat and aspheric optical lens, are widely used in high-tech fields of defense and civilian. 先进光学元件包括高精度平面和非球面元件,在国防及民用高技术领域都有着重要而广泛的应用。
A basic requirement for the Raman fiber amplifier ( RFA) used in the wavelength-division-multiplexing ( WDM) optical fiber communication system is that its gain spectrum must be flat in the operation band. 其次在整个工作波段内具有较好的增益平坦度是对应用在波分复用(WDM)光纤通信系统中的拉曼光纤放大器(RFA)的一个基本要求。
According to the working principle of the dynamic star simulator, we designed a collimated optical system with small distortion 、 flat field achromatic to realize the real time accurate simulation of the dynamic star simulator. 根据动态星模拟器的工作原理,设计了一种小畸变、平场复消色差的准直光学系统以实现动态星模拟器实时准确模拟星点。
In traditional optical cold processing field. Flat is a commonly used measuring instrument. So flatness is very important of its parameters. 在光学冷加工领域,平晶是常用到的计量器具,而平面度是其参数指标中极其重要的一个环节。
Zinc sulphide ( ZnS) is also a wide direct band gap semiconductor, it is widely used in the fields of electroluminescence device, nonlinear optical device, LED, flat panel display, infrared detector, gas sensitive detector and laser. 硫化锌(ZnS)是一种直接宽带隙半导体材料,在场质发光、非线性光学器件、发光二极管、平板显示、红外探测器、气敏感传感器、激光器等领域应用广泛。